Saturday, June 14, 2014


Hi, my name's Julieta, I'm from Cariacica, Jardim America, Brazil. My favorite meal is strogonoff. Christimas is An international celebration at the end of December. My family and I always cook at night. A lot of people come to our house:  my grandparents, cousins, friends. We all eat together at night. We always have a big turkey. We also have bread, rice, beans and salad. We cook pudding, parfaits, apple pie. Pudding is my favorite food!

Lara e Leticia   7º ano

My name is Lucas, and I´m from S. A., V., Brazil. My favorite meal is Easter egg. Easter is an international celebration at the end of April. We always cook in the morning. Then a lot of people come to our house: my grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends. We all eat together in the afternoon. We always have a big turkey. We also have chocolate, truffles.

Lucas , Hiarley , Rhuan 7º ano

My name is Jhennie, and I’m from Alto B. V., Brazil. My favorite meal is snacks. My Birthday is celebrated in August. We always do the night snack. Then a lot of people come home to celebrate my birthday. We eat cake, sweets and soda. My favorite snack is ice creams.

Jhennie 7º ano
My names is Anna Maya, and I´m from Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. My favorite meal is Christmas dinner. Christmas is an international celebration at the end of December. We always cook in the morning . Then a lot of people come to our house: my grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends. We all eat together in the afternoon . We always have a big turkey. We also have corn, carrots, potatoes, and bread!
Then we have pumpkin pie, apple pie, and ice cream. Ice cream is my favorite food!


Milena e Carolina 7º ANO 

My name is Beatriz, and C., Brazil. My favorite meal is truffle. Christmas is celebration at the end of December. We always cook in the morning Then a lot of people come to my house: my grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousin, and friends .We all eat together in the afternoon. We also have pizza. Then we have nuts with chocolate. Chocolate nut is my favorite food.
Beatriz 7º ano
My name is Camyla, and I´m from J. A., E.S. My favorite meal is strogonoff. Thanksgiving is an international celebration at the end of November. I never have breakfast.  Then a lot of people come to our house:  my grandparents, aunts, uncles , cousins , and friends .  I eat apples. Then we have ice creams.
Camyla 7º ano

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