Entrevista: Profª Rogéria Rubim sobre a obra “The Wizard of Oz” e/ou autor “Frank L.
Baum”. Perguntas elaboradas pelo 6º ano do Ensino Fundamental
Os alunos leram a obra em forma de história em quadrinhos em inglês e pesquisaram sobre o autor durante o mês de julho de 2014. Ao longo desse período, eles se empenharam em escrever perguntas para uma entrevista com a intenção de descobrir diferentes opiniões literárias.
1) Do you think the
first newspapers that he produced helped Frank Baum with the success of his
books? (Emilia e Marcella)
Certainly. The
Rose Lawn Home Journal was his first newspaper and he took his writing
abilities seriously.
2) How did Dorothy
come back home in your opinion? (Ana Luiza e Isabella)
She wanted to leave
because she was in a strange place. She had to close her eyes, click her heels
together three times and say "there's no place like home" .
3) What did the Tin
Woodman really want? (Julia e Sophia)
wanted a heart.
4) How did Dorothy
kill the Wicked Witch of West? (Maria Eduarda e Maria Julia)
She threw water on her to put out the fire, but the wicked witch melted.
5) In your opinion,
what message would the Wizard of Oz bring to us? (Gabriela e Sthefany)
I think the messages in
the movie are truly a sort of wisdom all people should come to realize in life.
Sometimes it takes a journey to understand where you are and who you are.
6) When did Baum
write her first edition of the Wizard of Oz? (Ana Luiza R. e
In 1900.
7) Do you like The
Wizard of Oz? Why? (Guillerme e Vytor B.)
Can't really explain
why I like it. Maybe because it reminds me of my childhood.
8) In your opinion, what
was Frank’s purpose when he wrote the Wizard of Oz? (Camilly)
he was a dreamer.
9) In your opinion, why
did Dorothy prefer to come back home instead of staying in Esmerald city with
Oz and his friends? (Mariana e Giovanna)
there’s no place like home.
10) What do you think
about the writer Frank L. Baum? (Victor e William)
I think
he was a successful writer because he was able to let his imagination “fly”.
11) When was his last
book published? (Clóvis e Mateus V.)
In 1897.
12) What do you think
about the story the wizard of Oz? (Danillo e Maike)
I think
it’s a great story. Really amazing.
13) Do you know If
Frank had another job? (Matheus M. e Felipe)
In fact,
I’ve never heard about that.
14) Do you like Frank
Baum’s books? (Henrique e Arthur)
Well, I
have only read the wizard of Oz.
Parabéns aos alunos e professora, pela atividade desenvolvida.